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您当前的位置:美国房产网美国二手房加利福尼亚州房源圣地亚哥房源 【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
布鲁克林湾 Brooklyn Basin
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
威翰地产 威翰地产
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所在都会圈介绍 AREA INFO

圣地亚哥(San Diego)

 圣地亚哥市(San Diego)是加利福尼亚州第二大城市,也是美国第八大城市[1] ,位于该州南端圣迭戈湾畔,南距墨西哥边境20公里,市区面积829平方公里,人口137万多,有很多墨西哥和西班牙人后裔;2015-2016年统计,白种人占人口的64%,拉美及墨裔占32%,亚裔占10%。[2] 大都市区包括附近各海滩和高地等,面积11020平方公里;大都市区包括18个小的城市,总人口超过280万人,大多聚居在离开海滨不远的地区。

圣地亚哥(San Diego)是美国加州著名海岸城市,位于太平洋沿岸,以众多的美丽沙滩而闻名。当地拥有很浓厚的拉丁美洲文化氛围,独特的度假风情令人向往。此地工作机会多,自然环境好,吸引了众多移民的目光。此地的房地产非常适合个人居住和用于投资,购买当地的豪华房产,升值空间很大。气候好也是很多人选择在圣地亚哥买房的重要因素。因为四季如春,临海而建,这座城市的海岸线成了“面朝大海,春暖花开”的最好写照。同时也是圣迭戈县的首府和圣迭戈-卡尔斯八通-圣马科斯都市圈的经济中心。世界顶尖学府UCSD(全称:University of California in San Diego)亦坐落于此。

因为有着四季如春的气候、美丽的海岸线、近百公里的沙滩和一百多个高尔夫球场,圣地亚哥一直被称作“美国最好的城市”(America's Finest City)。


【圣地亚哥房产】PRICE REDUCTION!! - Classic Craftsman w/Large Master Bedroom/Bathroom. Family Room with access to backyard. Great home for so many as it is Spacious Yet Cozy with lots of Living Space. Hardwood floors and original details as well as artistic aesthetic touches inside and out give it Beauty and Huge Emotional Appeal. Additionally it is located in a'pocket' of University Heights where one can walk to Cafes and Restaurants in University Heights, North Park,or Kensington.

What I love about the home

LOTS of different possibilities for use of space with this home. Previous owners had combo Living Room and Dining Room, however the current owner made bedroom #2 in the front of the house - a home office or den. The kitchen gives way to the rear family room that is currently used as the dining room that access the backyard creating Great Entertaining Space. Home features upgraded windows and charming glass entry door, fireplace in living room, hardwood floors and recessed lighting throughout? kitchen has a Tuscany look, all appliances convey. Bathroom #1 has newer flooring and skylight, jacuzzi tub, tiled bath...Master bedroom located upstairs with the master retreat has Italian tile, while the stairs leading to it has beautiful gray bamboo flooring matching the entire dining room area downstairs?the upstairs retreat also has newer double-paned sliding glass doors to balcony deck with awesome canyon views. Bedroom #3 has newer hardwood floors. The backyard features slate walkways & brick pavers, raised planters, gas fire pit & sizable wooden deck?all accessed from the dining room or kitchen allowing for Great Entertaining Space. Well-designed drought-resistant and water-wise landscaping in front and rear yards, as well as outdoor lighting give this house huge great curb appeal! Previous 1-car garage conversion to office or gym in this case, can easily be turned back to one car garage. The home is equipped with solar panels on the roof that generate all of the home?s energy demand, except for a miniscule ?maintenance fee? paid to SDG&E. Are you ready to have loads of fun in this house??

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【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116
【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116

地图 MAP



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【圣地亚哥房产】2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116

2912 Copley Ave, San Diego, CA 92116

$699,000 /¥4,955,071


使用面积133.8m² / 1440平方英尺







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